House of first Israeli President to be sold in Belarus (Photo)

  • 16.07.2008, 10:13

The house of parents of the first President of the State of Israel Chaim Weizmann is situated in Palessye (Polesie) area, in the village of Motal. A few months ago its current owner, a pensioner Alena Ptashyts, stated that she wants to sell the house at a price of USD 15,000.

No buyers have been found so far, as well as interested Belarusian officials, who, as a response to the initiative of the local community, would buy this house, renovate it and create in Motal a historical centre of the famous fellow citizen Chaim Weizmann, Radio Svaboda informs.

The current owner of the house, a pensioner Alena Ptashyts, lives in the house with her mother. Alena’s children have left and live in different parts of the country. She is almost unable to maintain this big building.

The cost charged by Alena Ptashyts, USD 15,000, is rather customary for Motal. There are no persons willing to buy this building so far. However Alena does not lose hope. She believes she would be able to find a good customer. Moreover, many guests from Israel are coming to Motal recently.

“I will take even more than USD 15,000 if they offer,” Alena says. “It’s a big house. We are keeping it in good order, as we are living here. And excursions are visiting it, both Jews and others”.

Is there a chance for a museum?

The director of the local museum, Volha Matsukevich, is convinced that the state could have made an instrument to attract tourists from this house if there was such a desire.

“It would be good to found Chaim Weizmann centre of Jewish culture here. There are several houses of famous Jews in Motal. These houses’ architecture is particular. It would be nice to make a hotel out of one of them, and a synagogue in another, and a little restaurant with Jewish cuisine in the next. The house is situated in a picturesque place by the lake. It is such a nice place for having rest. It would be possible to visit all places related to Jewish culture at a time,” the director says.

Moreover, the local museum has all necessary exhibits for that – furniture, house articles and utensils, memoirs of Chaim Weizmann in Yiddish…

The leader of Pinsk Jewish community Josif Liberman is also convinced that the house of the Weizmanns should become a museum of the first President of Israel.

“Needless to say that a museum must be created. But somebody should allocate finances for that. Besides, a good reconstruction and renovation of the building should be made. I spoke to Israeli Ambassador, and he said they do not have money for that. And where can I find money?” asks Josif Liberman.

Representatives of Motal citizens are not sure that the local budget would have enough money for buying the house, and still more unlikely, for its restoration.


Weizmann was born in Motal near Pinsk (Belarus) in a family of a merchant. Father wanted their house to be spacious and large. There were 14 more children in the family of the future President of Israel.

Like Chaim, all children got brilliant education in Europe. After finishing Pinsk grammar school, Chaim Weizmann studied in Germany and Switzerland, he was Professor in chemistry in England.

The family left Motal in 1894. Later the house had different owners. After the World War II different Soviet institutions were placed there. The house was reconstructed several times. In the end of the 1970-ies the wooden house was moved away from the central street. The house was now it has 6 rooms, while there were 8 rooms in the time of the Weizmanns. The place of the entrance door changes, the roof is different now. But still some elements have survived. For instance, outer walls with wood siding and windows decorated with wood-carving…

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