March Of Neighbours Held In Belarus

  • 29.11.2020, 12:04

The people took to the streets to protest on the 113th day of the Belarusian Revolution.

Independent Telegram channels called on Belarusians to come out for a traditional Sunday March.

The website covered the protest event live.

18:54 Luninets: people with national flags are holding a solidarity action.

18:33 Residents of Barysau are holding an evening action of solidarity with all protesters in Belarus.

18:17 Today’s columns on Mayakovsky Street, Burdzeiny Street, and Lahoiski Tract.

18:09 The partisans of Biarozauka are greeting the cars driving by!

18:05 A solidarity action in Warsaw!

17:52 Some columns reminded the previous marches by their scale.

17:40 A very long column marched in one of the eastern neighborhoods in Minsk today.

17:26 Two columns uniting: one was walking along Kulman, the other - along Bahdanovich Street.

17:24 The Sliapianka partisans have taken control over a section of a railway!

17:12 The scale of today’s action doesn’t cease to impress!

17:10 The Sliapianka partisans.

16:55 Two columns from Uruchcha have met on Independence Avenue.

16:55 A huge column has walked along Partyzanski Avenue today!

16:52 Winter plays for us!

16:42 Brest Fortress - the partisan!

16:41 Smarhon continues to struggle for the freedom of the Belarusian people!

16:40 A solidarity action has been held in Navinki.

16:37 Joint column of Liabiazhy, Viasnianka and Masyukoushchyna!

16:36 This is how the meeting of two columns from Uruchcha and Novaya Baravaya looked like.

16:34 So many people came out in the Zavodzki district today!

16:31 Residents of Sukharava went to the Miadzvezhyna forest park today.

16:23 The chain of solidarity today at the Central City Hospital in Brest.

16:10 Belarusians in Riga and Lviv also gather every Sunday to support their fellow countrymen!

16:10 Such a column went today from Novaya Baravaya to Uruchcha.

16:03 The residents of Angarskaya have their own riot police.

16:02 Zhodzina does not give up!

15:53 Zialiony Luh also blocked the traffic movement today.

15:47 “Beware, punishers, Nina is going to break your spine”.

15:46 Famous activist Yan Hryb is singing “Pahonia” before the March!

15:45 Another chain of solidarity in Navapolatsk!

15:32 The enchanting fall of the security officer in green was spiced up with a precise kick.

15:27 Autazavodskaya is still walking.

15:17 At the intersection of Matusevich and Liashchynski streets, a column of protesters is walking on the roadway right now.

15:16 The March is underway even in Lahoisk!

15:14 In Minsk, residents of Zialiony Bor surrounded the security forces. The siloviki sprayed gas into the faces of the protesters and fired. But even after that, the people did not run away, but continued to stand and shout at the executioners until they left!

15:11 A lot of people are marching in Kurasoushchyna!

15:05 Such a column was formed in the Kurasoushchyna micro-district.

15:05 Residents of the “Kaskad” complex are taking to the streets!

14:50 In the area of Kavalskaya Slabada, the security forces tried three times to disperse the people, but they gathered anyway!

14:45 Hrodna supports Minsk!

14:38 Streams of people are flocking all over Minsk.

14:32 This is what the March looked like on Zhukouski Street. People shouted: “Fascists!” at the arriving security forces.

14:29 In the East, two columns met each other and united into one huge one.

14:26 Many people have gathered on Matusevich Street again!

14:22 Residents of Brest have also come to the March!

14:21 This is already a real parade!

14:19 The March on the avenue of the newspaper Zvyazda.

14:15 A timelapse of one of the many columns of protesters in Minsk.

14:04 In Dambrouka, people have gathered in a column again.

14:04 The walk along Karalya Street.

14:04 The atmosphere inside the column in Masyukoushchyna.

14:02 Protesters in one of the districts have blocked the traffic movement. Only ambulances are allowed.

13:55 The inhabitants of Sokal are dancing in circles!

13:51 The protesters have occupied a mound in the Southwest.

13:49 Motorists welcome protesters!

13:45 Hrushauka micro-district has gathered in one big column

13:42 In the center of Minsk, people have blocked the road.

13:34 Somewhere in Minsk there is a huge column on the street!

13:33 About 10 executioners are trying to rip off the white-red-white flag from the guy. It does not work!

13:29 Partyzanski Avenue in Minsk right now.

13:28 Loshytsa is very noisy today!

13:26 “Lukashenka to a paddy wagon!” one of the many columns of protesters in Minsk is chanting.

13:23 A lot of people are walking on Zakharau Street.

13:23 A lot of people are also marching in Kamennaya Horka.

13:21 There are only more protesters in Minsk.

13:16 Thousands of protesters in Uruchcha, Minsk!

13:11 Rosa Luxemburg street area.

13:08 Uruchcha is on top again! A lot of people came out again this Sunday.

13:06 The March on Filimonau Street in Minsk.

12:59 Malinauka sets the rhythm!

12:51 The March in Dziarzhynsk. People are walking under white-red-white umbrellas.

12:51 The Southwest inspires!

12:50 Zalataya Horka dwellers are marching under the flag of their neighbourhood!

12:49 A large number of people went to the march in Uruchcha.

12:48 A chain of solidarity has lined up near the Belarus cinema in Minsk.

12:44 Minsk residents are moving to the city center along the driveway!

12:39 A large white-red-white flag has been unfolded in the”Magistr” residential complex!

12:35 In another neighborhood, an even larger column has gathered!

12:31 A column in one of the micro-districts of Minsk is marching peacefully.

12:29 Zhodzina residents traditionally gather near the Green shopping center.

12:21 Sokol microdistrict meets neighbors. The famous beautiful bride is here too!

12:20 “Heroes never die!” Barauliany district is out to protest.

12:19 One of the columns has already formed in Minsk.

12:19 Minsk is out for the March.

12:14 Navapolatsk is coming out, despite the snow.

12:08 Fanipal have come out too!


11:59 Mazyr is protesting.

11:52 Zaslauye is chanting: “Belarus, get up, let the cops get fucked up.”

11:51 Ratamka also leaves.

11:39 Zaslauye has already started the Sunday action.

11:36 Dziarzhynsk is ready for the March.

11:16 In Minsk, sleeping districts began to gather for a protest action.

11:15 In Hrodna, protesters have lined up in a chain of solidarity.

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