U.S. Senator Proposed New Sanctions Against Lukashenka's Regime
- 12.02.2022, 11:30
Serious allegations were made against the dictator.
According to the website of the legislator, U.S. Republican Senator James Lankford submitted to the upper house of Congress a draft Belarus Aggression Accountability Act. The act will allow imposing sanctions against “Belarus or any other country, which contributes to the continuous unprovoked aggression of Russia with respect to ...> Ukraine”.
“Belarus is allowing thousands of Russian troops to enter its territory. The US should make it clear that strong economic and diplomatic sanctions will be applied to any country that supports Russia’s attempts to invade Ukraine,” said Lankford.
It is noted that in the legislative proposal there is no distinction between the Russian Federation and any other government that aids or assists Russian forces in any acts of military aggression.
The list of actions that can provoke sanctions in accordance with this draft will include:
participating jointly with Russia in an invasion of Ukraine;
providing material, tactical, or other support for purposes of this invasion;
hosting Russian forces that participate in the invasion;
working with the Russian intelligence sector at the development of invasion plans;
procuring lethal arms that are used in the invasion.
The Russian troops were shifted to Belarus allegedly to participate in the joint exercises Union Resolve.
Russia will be able to use the troops shifted to Belarus to invade Ukraine. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that Moscow could use the exercises to disguise its plans to attack Ukraine.