Strange Events Start Happening In Kremlin Hospital, Where Kadyrov Staying
- 22.09.2023, 8:03
A helicopter has urgently landed on the territory of the hospital.
In the evening of September 21, strange events started to happen in the Central Kremlin Hospital (CKH) in Moscow.
This is reported by the Russian VChK-OGPU telegram channel.
First, several motorcades (4-5 cars each), including those with blinkers, entered one after another.
The cars either had Chechen licence plates or had Chechen residents inside. All of them were heading towards the fifth therapeutic and intensive care block. It turned out to be cordoned off by strong men from Chechnya. And shortly afterwards a helicopter landed on the territory of the CKH.
Yesterday Ramzan Kadyrov allegedly "stated" that he visits the CKH, but only to "visit his uncle".